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Stand For Something

Social Impication of the GNU: THE DA

C.S Lewis, is a British author and Christian apologist who gave a ladder to the layman into the window of the theology of the mind. One of his biggest contributions is how he understood the fundamentality of virtuous individuals in building a functional society. Which means an attentiveness should be taken when approaching the social philosophies of a party as much as the economic philosophies.

Considering the DA, the most socially liberal party in the country, has an ironclad 20% of the South African national vote, we should consider who they are, what they represent in the GNU, and, most importantly, what they stand for. Because from where we are standing, these rainbow flag wavers (the DA) are compassionate mongers building their moral foundations on shifting sands.

The DA is the most socially liberal party in South Africa, this is illustrated in its unadulterated support for the LGBTGI+ movement. As economically conservative as these people might be, they do not merely see our cultural values as dissolving into madness, but they see them dissolving into madness and would like to accelerate our descent into the abyss. Is it intentional? I am uncertain. Is it reckless? Absolutely!

Lest we forget, South Africans are overwhelmingly Christian, and our constitutional concepts of freedom and equality can be traced back to fundamental teachings of Christianity. It is not explicitly mentioned that these values are sourced from the Creator, such as in the American Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…”

We assume that human dignity is a given, which begs the question as to how the Nazi’s arrived at their 6 million answer to that prompt. Which puts us in a paradoxical position as a country with a silently Christian foundation and a secular government. This has resulted in South Africa being described as having some of the most progressive abortion rights in the world. The Democratic Alliance Is one of the parties who have been key to our descent into cultural chaos.

Much can be said about the Democratic Alliance was formerly known as the Progressive Party, but nobody can accuse them of not being honest about who they are. Their identity is clearly defined in the name of the party, they stand for progress, as vague as it might be. Our primary concern with progressives is that they keep progressing and their goal is progress, thus, making their pursuit unattainable. When looking at the words “democratic” and “progress”, one of the conclusions that we could arrive at is that the driver of said “progress” is the will of the people, then I guess we should be contempt with booking a ticket to chaos, but only when it is democratic.

Progress is about getting closer to a particular goal, hence the appropriateness of the name ACDP (African Christian Democratic Party), while the DA is founded on nothing but “progress”. Looking at the political landscape of South Africa, no other party exemplifies an illusory virtue mistaken for social progress and an actual virtue than the Democratic Alliance. Because one day it will be asked of them, what is prosperity and freedom, and who should define it. I am afraid the DA’s answer to that question will be THE PEOPLE.

Conclusion The great Christian theologian CS Lewis explains the dangers of this illusory forward movement, stating: “We all want progress, but if you’re on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.” The DA is economically conservative and socially liberal. In a sense, it tugs on me through my wallet, then pushes me away with the pride flag. The DA, along with all the other parties, needs to turn back and walk on the right road socially and cling to what holds the moral foundation of the country. One last thing: a separation of church and state does not equate to a separation of Christ and state. Happy Sabbath.